Great news!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hello all thank you for your patience and understanding while I've been going through this most difficult part of my life. I know that I haven't been faithful with keeping everyone updated, but life kind of took charge and my health was my first priority. Due to funding or should I say lack their of I don't have internet at my house right now, but I'm so back! I'm getting my energy back and have gotten my treatment! I can only get it once a year so hopefully by this time next year I'll be saying I'm cancer free. While it's still unsure as to whether all my cancer is gone, I'm able to focus more on getting my energy back and trying to get my life back on track. I've missed blogging so much and missed all the support and the great giveaways!! I'm planning on picking my winners ASAP and wish all of you luck that have entered. Please feel free to contact me, and welcome me back to the blog-o-sphere!

Hey Guys!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just wanted to go ahead and give everybody an update. I went in for surgery and instead of having just my left part of my thyroid removed they removed my whole thyroid because it was all cancerous as well as 4/9 lymph nodes. There was capsular invasion present and the only lymph nodes tested were on my left side (same as the nodule) It's been such a hectic past three weeks and the lack of support I'm getting from my family is quite shattering. I was so in hope that this sickness would be enough to aid in mending our broken relationship. I also got diagnosed with Hashimito's Thyroiditis and things for me have been so hectic. I'm still not feeling well and visited my endocronologist on Wednesday only to find out that I've got a pretty aggressive cancer and the fact that it has spread is not good so they are enducing my body to go into shock by shooting my TS levels from a normal range 1-2 to a whopping 35-40 to get my body ready for a small iodine treatment to perform a full body scan which is necessary prior to getting my radio active iodine treatments. I'm being forced to go on this horrible diet, while being sick it's a low iodine diet and it's like all I can eat is lettuce with oil and vinegar ugh the thought of no salt or dairy products I'm like WTF! Chad has been so helpful in driving me to so many different appointments and trying to help me keep up with my long list of medications. I'm pretty shocked about all of this, and dissapointed that I won't be able to go to work when I had planned. Financially we are truly at a stand point, not knowing how we are going to pay our bills much less afford me not working. I have a very long road to recovery and in the midst of all of this I've decided that I had to make some very tough choices so I've turned off my internet/cable- luckily my neighbor is letting me borrow hers but I have such a low signal I'm kind of scared to write a post. I have little to no energy and find myself sleeping way too much. On a good note my scar is healing fabulously and you can barely see it! I apologize for not being on here much, but with all that's been going on I truly haven't found time to even relax! I really thought that while recovering from this surgery I'd be able to have some down time however now I'm overwhelmed with the amount of appointments I have and my inability to drive makes it really hard on Chad. I'll be going to stay with my cousins next Friday for a few days only to get through the roughest part of this- when I'll be really sick! I hope to get a few reviews/giveaways done tommorow night and appreciate all the continuing support and entries into my fabulous giveaways! Please keep praying for me, and I can't wait to be back in action soon!

Great Blog Giveaway & Bloggy Friend

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let me introduce you to one of my closest friends she's like my sister and right now she's got a fabulous diaper event going on along with some fabulous giveaways!! Take a peek-
For today I offer all of my readers the opportunity to get an extra entry on EVERY or ANY giveaway I have by entering one of LuvnlifeOO giveaways including her diaper event! If you grab her button give your self 5 entries into any giveaway! Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend.

I'm so thankful for you Sarah you've been so great to me the last few days after my surgery and the many months prior to my surgery. Your family is like my own and your children light up my life- I love you girl and we will get through this rough time one blog post, day, and laugh at a time!

Here's her link-
Luvn Life

Name That Thing Etsy Review/Giveaway

Welcome to Name That Thing the Etsy shop where everything is personalized for you! Name That Thing makes a variety of different items including totes/bags, water bottles, bath towels, flat irons, ironing board covers and much much more! Take a look at some of the adorable items. I fell in love with all the items at her store so when I was asked to a review and giveaway

Boy oh Boy I was excited. It was hard to decide what I wanted to review, but finally I found an item I had been coveting for quite sometime. It's a personalized hard case wallet and what else would I want on it, but CooCooCourtney of course! I fell in love immediately.

The straps were sturdy as was the case it's perfect for your id, credit cards, cash, important information and it's not that big so it's easy to
slide in your back pocket, purse and cute enough to just carry around. I was more than impressed with this wallet and definitely would encourage others to purchase a wallet like this it's adorable and really affordable $6.00. Not to mention you get to pick your color combo from the choices she offers, but also is personalized with Vinyl letters. But as I mentioned before all of the items in her store are personalized and all of them are very affordable.
What makes this review even better is one of my readers will have the opportunity to get their very own personalized hard case wallet!
Wanna win?
Mandatory Entry- Go visit Name That Thing and tell me your favorite product and how you would have it personalized
Extra Entries
Follow my blog (1 entry)
Subscribe to my blog (1 entry)
Follow me on twitter & tweet this giveaway (1 x a day)
I entered to win the cutest hard case wallet from Name That Thing @CooCooCourtney enter here
Tell me how you would have your wallet designed including the font & color combo ( 1 entry)
Enter another one of my giveaways (1 entry per giveaway entered)
Blog about this giveaway (5 entries please/leave link)
Grab my button (5 entries/leave link)
Purchase something from Name That Thing (20 entries!!!!)

I received a personalized hard case wallet from Name that Thing I received no other compensation. The opinions I shared in this review are my own and your opinions may differ. It is important to leave a link where it is asked on your entries, please leave a separate comments for each entry, and a valid email address so I can contact you if you are the winner. You can enter to win this giveaway for four weeks ending May 8, 2010 at midnight.



Win It!

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